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Frostings, Fillings, & Sweet Sauces

Frostings and icings are used to decorate the top and sides of cakes and cupcakes. They range from stiff to gooey, and from icings that stay soft on the surface to frosting that makes a crunchy crust as it ages.

Fillings are used to provide an alternate texture and flavor between layers of cake or pastry. Frostings, jams, and stiff sweet creams can also be used as fillings. If you are attempting to fill a cake, even stiff frostings will work. If you are attempting to stick a meringue layer to a cake layer or two meringue layers together, the filling needs to be soft so as not to crush the meringue when you spread it on. A stiff Whipped Cream is particularly good as a filling with meringue layers.

Sauces and creams are dolloped onto an undecorated cake, often in lieu of frosting.

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Page last modified on September 07, 2017, at 06:50 PM