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Whipped Cream

Everyone has their own favorite proportions of cream, sugar, and vanilla. Some are cream purists and prefer it unadulterated. Some prefer only sugar, and others prefer only vanilla. The following proportions are provided as a starting point if you have no idea what you like. We recommend starting with just a little sugar or vanilla and tasting it, adding a little more and tasting it, until you reach a flavor you like.

1cupheavy cream

Chill a metal bowl and beaters or whisk. (You can do this with a fork, but we really, really don't recommend it unless you have lots of friends to help when your arms get tired.)

Pour the cream into the bowl and beat until the bubbles aren't visible any more and it's starting to get stiff. (If you use a whisk, this is obvious. With beaters it's a little more difficult to tell. Stop often and pull out the beaters to see how stiff it is.)

Add vanilla and sugar. and beat until they're completely mixed in and you like the texture. Do not beat too long or the cream will turn into butter!

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Page last modified on April 03, 2016, at 06:18 AM