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Recipe Formatting

When you are adding a recipe to the site, you need to do three things:

  1. Give the page a unique name: if you use an existing name, it will link to that page instead of to your new recipe. Add new pages by adding [[New Recipe Name]] at the appropriate place on an existing page. If you just type [[New Recipe]] it will autogenerate a name by eliminating spaces and special characters, creating a new webpage called Main.NewRecipe. If another recipe with your recipe's name exists, you can modify it by adding more detail to the name (e.g. [[Sam's New Recipe]]) or by providing a unique page to link to (e.g. [[NewNewRecipe | New Recipe]]). We would really prefer that you try to come up with a unique name, since otherwise we'll all get confused.
  2. Either let us know you've added the page (see the Contact page for instructions) or make sure you update all the indices: all recipes are linked from at least two places - Recipes Home and the Chapter page for that category. A single recipe can show up in more than just those two places, but it must appear in both which means that someone needs to edit both to make sure your recipe is linked to properly.   Example: Chocolate Filling has a link from the main Recipes Home page, and from the Frostings, Fillings & Sweet Sauces page, and from the Fillings page. Please, before you start entering the recipe, please, please make sure the index pages are up to date!
  3. Click on your new page and start writing.

The easiest way to create a new recipe is to find another recipe with similar formatting, go into Edit mode (click the "Edit" link at the top or bottom of the page), copy the text you find there, and paste it into the Edit window for the new recipe to use as a template.

The following information is provided in case you decide you want to start from scratch. If you need more information about formatting, the "Learning to Edit" pages in the sidebar will probably help. If not, trying searching the web for pmwiki whatever you want to do.

Notes on Units

Please use "tsp" for teaspoons and "Tb" for tablespoons. This site defaults to American units, so most ingredients are measured by volume in fractions of a cup rather than by volume in ml or by weight. There are conversion tables in the Conversions & Substitutions section.

Anatomy of a Recipe

Complete recipe markup text: what shows up when you enter Edit mode for a recipe and what it causes the page to look like:

What You See In The Edit PaneWhat The Recipe Looks Like
!! %center% New Recipe New Recipe
!!! %center% This is a subheading demonstration This is a subheading demonstration
---- (Horizontal line indicating the beginning of the recipe)
|| width 100% class=recipe2col (Sets the formatting for the ingredients list.)
|| 1||kind of thing you want 1kind of thing you want
||'''Variation 1''' ||||Variation 1
|| ||other ingredients without units || other ingredients without units
Instructions start hereInstructions start here
  (Blank line = new paragraph)
''Commentary about the recipe or extra information is in italics''Commentary about the recipe or extra information is in italics

!! tells the browser to use a recipe title heading format, while %center% tells the browser to display it centered on the line. "New Recipe" is the title of the recipe. The subheading formatting is generated by !!! and ---- generates the horizontal line under the subheading.

Tables make the ingredients easier to read. They are created with || (double vertical lines or "pipes") to indicate boundaries between cells within a row and new lines to indicate new columns. You use spaces to tell the browser how to align the text within the cell. Spaces on both sides of the text will center the text and spaces on one side of the text will align it to the other side.

|| text line one ||text line one
||left-aligned text ||left-aligned text
|| right-aligned text||right-aligned text

If you want to leave a cell empty, use the blank space code,   between the pipes to put in an empty cell. It's also used after a fraction to make sure there's enough space between the fraction and the units.

The first line specifies sizing and which template to use to format the ingredients. It affects the formatting but isn't printed on the page.

The width instruction is for cases where you need to merge cells across columns of the table, and the automatic sizing causes the last column of the table to be artificially small. If you Preview and the table looks weird, check to make sure you've put enough double pipes at the end of the merged cells and you've put the pipes in the right p,aces. width=100% tells the browser to allow the table to take up the entire width of the page.

If you need to put a heading in the first cell of a row and merge the next cell with it, simply add the missing pipes at the end of the merged cells. This is shown in the Variation 1 line.

There are three templates: recipe2col (for one or two column recipes), recipe3col (for three column recipes), and recipe4col (for recipes that require additional indentation). For one column recipes, use recipe2col and put || || as the first cell and the ingredients in the second column.

recipe3col Example

|| 1'^1^'/'_2_' ||cup ||butter ||11/2 cupbutter
|| 1||cup ||sugar ||1cupsugar
|| 1||egg ||||@]1egg

Note that fractions have their own complex notation. We use them to make the recipe easier to read, so that the first 1 of 11/2 is clearly distinguishable from the second 1 in the 1/2 term. If you'd like to write it 1 1/2, someone will probably come along and fix it. The notation for fractions is captured in the editing tips window that comes up with the editing pane (below), so you don't have to remember it.

The quantity is right-aligned, while the units, the ingredients, and any subheadings are all left-aligned.

recipe4col is just like the three and two column classes, except that it support one additional level of indenting. It is currently only used in recipes whose ingredients lists have complex variation options, like Roast Chicken.


Now that you've generated a table containing the ingredients list, you can move on to the instructions. Feel free to include color commentary regarding your experiences making the recipe and quotes from other people about it. The more information we have about things that people are likely to have trouble with, the more helpful the site is. If you find that a particular combination of foods is good together, please add that to the recipe!

The basic ingredients are in plain type. Any asides, including commentary from individuals or personal experiences making the food, should be in italics. Use two single right quotes to tell it that you want italics. ''italic text'' produces italic text, while "double quote symbols" produces "double quote symbols" and ``two left quotes`` produces ``two left quotes``.

When you need to specify an oven temperature, use ° to generate the degree symbol, so 350°F produces 350°F.

If you want to add fancy characters to words or names (like sauté), you can. The ISO standard symbols for special characters are supported, so just find the code that corresponds to the symbol you want and use it.

Images can be included using the attach: command or via a simple call to an http link as shown in the below table. If you haven't put the picture online with a web address for it, you can ask us to upload it to the site. Just follow the instructions on the Contact page to reach us.


Please add the following lines to the bottom of any pages you add images to. If you want/need different licensing terms or attribution, put them under the horizontal line.

Images provided under [[|CC-BY 4.0]].  Please credit Redfield Recipes.
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Page last modified on September 17, 2016, at 05:12 AM