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Caramel Icing

Makes the whole house smell of warm brown sugar

1/4 cupbutter or margarine
1/2 cupgolden (light) brown sugar
1cupsifted icing sugar

Melt butter and brown sugar in saucepan. Add milk and simmer for exactly 2 minutes. Cool. Add icing sugar and beat.

(Must use icing sugar because the cornstarch in the icing sugar is partially responsible for the texture of the finished icing. If you add the icing sugar while the mixture is still hot, the cornstarch will thicken it and the finished icing will be a little thicker. If you want to substitute granulated or superfine sugar for the icing sugar, don't forget to add the missing cornstarch!)

If the icing is too stiff, add a bit more milk. Spread on Caramel Slice bars.

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Page last modified on April 02, 2016, at 06:21 PM