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Lemon Sauce I

3Tb flour or 2 Tb cornstarch
2cupsboiling water
2Tblemon juice
1Tbgrated lemon rind

Mix sugar with cornstarch or flour in saucepan. Gradually add boiling water. Boil about 7 minutes.

Remove from heat and add butter, lemon juice, and rind. Serve with Ginger Cake.


Vanilla: Replace lemon juice and lemon rind with 1 tsp vanilla.

Chocolate: Blend 1/4 cup cocoa with dry ingredients and use half as much flour or cornstarch. If desired, use half water, half milk.

Mary recommends making a double batch of the Lemon variation, since it's also good on lots of other things, like French Toast?.

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Page last modified on April 03, 2016, at 07:32 AM