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Welcome to Redfield Recipes!

A compilation of recipes found, invented, and enjoyed by one small branch of the Redfield family, and all the other families their tentacles reach out to.

Why we put this cookbook together.

We put this cookbook together for at least two reasons. The main purpose was to document family recipes for ourselves (because some of the source cookbooks are rather aggressively out of print) and future generations of our family. We all have our favorite recipes, and this way we only need one cookbook, instead of twenty. It also means that anyone going away to school or college has a handy guide to the foods they grew up with.

Our secondary purpose was to create a repository to hold pictures of hard-to-find equipment. We have several recipes that we all grew up with and loved, and that require tools that have gone out of fashion and are hard to find. This book enables us to find them when children grow up and move away from home, or when one of ours breaks. A deep double boiler, for example, is required to make Seven-Minute Frosting (like marshmallow fluff made from egg whites and sugar), but one appropriate to use with beaters that can hold 1.5 quarts is extremely hard to find these days.

Over time, we discovered that we kept finding new recipes we wanted to include, so our third goal is provide a single place to share the new recipes we find with the rest of the family (and anyone else interested) by posting new versions of this book.

How we hope you’ll use it.

This cookbook is for anyone who likes its recipes. We hope you’ll make things out of it, that you’ll share both the food and the recipes with your family and friends, and that the recipes will continue to be appreciated and used.

Recipes are not subject to copyright in the same way as stories or articles (US Copyright law), but any contents of this site that are subject to copyright are released under the CC-BY 4.0 license, so you can do what you want with the pages as long as we get attribution. Please attribute as "CC-BY 4.0 Redfield Recipes". This includes any images posted here unless they are specifically marked with other licensing terms. If you want to provide images of your own, please note what license you want to make them available under.

At least one of us is fond of reconstructing old recipes (the kind before numbered dials on your oven). These recipes are so old that we’re not even entirely sure how to substitute for modern ingredients. We hope that the recipes included here will continue to be adapted and used, never reaching the status of "archaic".

How to add recipes.

Because this cookbook is envisioned as a family project, growing as we find new recipes, we encourage you to add recipes you enjoy and post updated versions. Please use the Contributor Guidelines if you'd like to add a new recipe. Descriptive elements of recipe instructions may be covered under copyright, so please don't just copy a recipe verbatim from a cookbook.

It was originally created in LaTeX and then moved to iBooksAuthor before finally ending up here, as a wiki. It uses the original formatting developed for the LaTeX recipe template, with slight modifications.


This page holds the equivalent of a table of contents - the high level organizational structure of the site. If you want to search by category, this is as good a place as any to start.

This structure is reflected in the Chapters menu in the top bar. The Main link takes you back to this page, while About takes you to some additional information about the authors and Contact contains instructions on how to contact us.

The main page, which you can get to via the top level of the Chapters menu or by clicking Recipes Home on the sidebar, contains the complete list of all the recipes on the site, organized by Chapter category.


Appetizers & Finger Food

Soups & Savory Sauces

Entrées & Side Dishes

Canning and Preserving

Yeast Breads

Quick Breads & Breakfast

Cookies & Bars


Pies & Tarts


Frostings, Fillings, & Sweet Sauces



Terminology: Processes & Techniques

Medicinal Cooking

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Page last modified on June 20, 2017, at 02:10 PM