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Roast Duck

Excellent alternative for American Thanksgiving

1whole duck (if frozen, must be defrosted)
 seasoning (salt, onions, whatever else you like)

Soak a clay pot (with lid) for 15-20 minutes in cool water.

Put the duck in the bottom half of the clay pot and put whatever filling you want in it. Prinkle with salt or other seasonings. Cover it up with the top of the clay pot and put in a cold oven.

Set oven to 400°F and convection bake for 40 minutes. Drain the accumulated fat into a container, replace the lid, and put the duck back in the oven, resetting the temperature to 300°F. Bake for another 2 hours. After the 2 hour baking period, drain the accumulated juices and fat into your container. This time, you should raise the temperature to 350°F and bake the duck with the lid off for another 20-40 minutes. You should have 2-3 cups of fat and juices and an extremely tender duck with crispy skin.

Serve with Plum Sauce.

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