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Chicken Pot-Pie

What to do between the Roast Chicken and the Chicken Soup

1recipe Cream Biscuits or Baking Powder Biscuits dough
2cupsWhite Sauce
1TbChicken Soup or a small quantity of concentrated chicken stock
 leftover roast chicken
 miscellaneous vegetables (carrots, onions, peas, green beans, mushrooms, peppers - whatever you like)

Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces. Melt the butter in the microwave. Add the chopped onions and microwave at low power until translucent and yummy-smelling. Add the carrots and microwave until hot. Defrost any frozen vegetables; chop and pre-cook fresh vegetables. Pre-cooking the vegetables ensures that their juices don't overwhelm the white sauce and create a runny pie filling.

Add the chicken soup or concentrated stock to the white sauce to taste. (Even a small hint of chicken flavor and salt in the white sauce makes the whole dish come together, but go ahead and taste it to make sure you've got enough. You can get the same effect by replacing the milk in the white sauce with a mix of cream, milk, and chicken stock to taste.) Mix the chicken and vegetables with the white sauce and pour into a medium size casserole dish.

Roll and shape the biscuit dough until it's roughly 3/4 of an inch thick and slightly smaller than the opening of the casserole dish. If there is extra dough, make biscuits! Put the dough over the sauce/chicken mixture. Bake at 400&#176F for 20-25 minutes.

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Page last modified on July 16, 2016, at 08:31 PM