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Baking Powder Biscuits

An old standby

2tspbaking powder

Sift dry ingredients into a mixing bowl. With fingertips, a pastry blender, or a fork, work in the shortening (can be any solid, good-tasting fat, but can't be too soft - you want little pieces of fat covered in flour). Quickly stir in 2/3 cup milk. Add more milk, little by little, until the dough is soft and light but not sticky.

Knead on a floured counter about 20 strokes until smooth. Roll lightly to about 3/4" thick. Shape with a round cookie cutter (or a glass) or cut into squares or diamonds with a knife.

Place on an ungreased cookie sheet (close together for soft biscuits, father apart for crusty ones) and prick with a fork (optional).

Bake at 450°F for 12-15 minutes. They should be brown and crunchy on top and have separated into puffy layers.

Yummy split along the layers and spread with butter while still hot.

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Page last modified on April 08, 2016, at 03:22 PM