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Velvet Spice Cake

Adapted from the Joy of Cooking, 1973 edition

21/3 cupssifted cake flour
11/2 tspbaking powder
1/2 tspbaking soda
1/2 tspcloves
1/2 tspsalt
3/4 cupbutter or shortening
11/2 cupssugar
3eggs, separated
7/8 cupyogurt or buttermilk

Sift dry ingredients together. Cream butter and sugar together. Beat in the 3 egg yolks. Add the sifted ingredients to the butter mixture in three parts, alternating with the yogurt.

Whip the 3 egg whites until stiff (but not dry), and fold them gently into the batter.

Bake in a greased 9" tube pan at 350°F for an hour or more. Frost when cool. Excellent with Cream Cheese Frosting.

(Note: the original recipe called for all the ingredients to be at 70°F, said to sift all the dry ingredients together twice after sifting the cake flour before measuring, and to use freshly grated nutmeg (double acting baking powder is assumed). This seemed like overkill. The above recipe works just fine and makes an excellent spice cake, with less fuss. We're still working on developing a version that uses the Beranbaum mixing method. When we get it right, we'll update the recipe.)

Beranbaum mixing version:

In a small bowl, mix the eggs with the yogurt. Beat the dry ingredients in a stand mixer for 1 minute on low. Add the softened butter and 1/3 of the egg mixture and beat on low until moistened. Add the rest of the egg mixture and beat on medium until well-mixed and slightly paler in color. Spoon into a greased and floured pan and bake as directed above.)

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