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Strawberry-Raspberry Pie

Minor modifications to the Beranbaum Glazed Strawberry Pie

19" baked pastry crust
1cuppureéd frozen raspberries
4cupsstrawberries, rinsed and cut in half

Mix sugar and cornstarch in small (2 qt) saucepan. Gradually stir in water and pureéd raspeberries until smooth and then stir constantly over medium heat until it comes to a boil. Boil for one minute, then remove it from the heat and cool completely. Gently fold in the strawberries and spoon into the baked piecrust. Refrigerate until set (4 hours or more).

This is very intense by itself, but is excellent served with Whipped Cream or vanilla ice cream.

This stays good in the fridge for several days.

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