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Traditionally strawberry, but also good with other fruit

These proportions seem off to me. I feel like there should be more sugar and that there are going to be far too many biscuits. Ideas?

2cupsfruit of choice
2batches Whipped Cream
1batch Cream Biscuits

Fruit: Chop large fruit into bite size pieces. Mix the fruit with the sugar and put it in the refrigerator to macerate while you prepare the biscuits and cream. Make the biscuits first and the cream last.

Assembly: When the biscuits come out of the oven, start assembling the shortcakes.

Traditional: Split a biscuit in half, butter it, and place it on a plate or in a bowl. Put a large spoonful of fruit over each half of the biscuit and top with two large spoonfuls of Whipped Cream. Decorate with more fruit and eat before the biscuit cools off.

At a family dinner: Place a cloth-wrapped basket of hot biscuits in the middle of the table with the bowl of fruit and the bowl of cream and let everyone assemble their own in whatever order they like. (The cloth keeps the biscuits warm for second helpings.)

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