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Raspberry Glacé Pie

From Libby

 9" baked pie shell
1quartfresh red raspberries
2/3 cupsugar
21/2 Tbcornstarch
2tsplemon juice (optional)
1pkg(8 oz) cream cheese (room temperature)
 Whipped Cream (optional)

Wash berries gently in cold water, lift out, and spread on paper toweling to dry thoroughly.

Place 1 cup berries and 2/3 cup water in saucepan. Simmer 3 minutes. Run through strainer to remove seeds.

Blend sugar, cornstarch, and remaining 1/3 cup water. Add to cooked raspberries (still in saucepan) and cook until mixture is thick and translucent, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add lemon juice (if desired). Cool.

Combine cream cheese with milk and spread evenly over the bottom of the pie shell. Pour the remaining berries into the pie shell, reserving a few of the prettiest ones to decorate the pie with. Spread the cooled berry mixture over the berries.

Chill until firm, at least 2 hours. Serve garnished with Whipped Cream and whole berries.

Libby: I used to make this pie when David and I grew our own berries. YUM!!!

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