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Quick Cinnamon Rolls

The flaky kind, not the yeasty kind

1recipe Baking Powder Biscuits made with 2 Tb sugar per 1 cup flour
2Tbmelted butter
1/4 cupbrown sugar
 raisins, pecans, walnuts optional

Roll out the dough in a rectangle. You can spread each filling ingredient on in turn or mix them together and spread them all at once. Spread the filling right out to three of the edges of the dough. Roll the dough into a tube, starting at the edge opposite the edge that doesn't have any filling on it. When you get to that edge, moisten the unfilled edge and press down to create a seam.

Cut the tub into 1" to 2" sections and stand upright in a greased pan.

Bake 8-10 minutes at 425°F until golden brown. Eat while hot. Cream Cheese Icing optional.

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