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Maple Syrup Cake


1/2 cupsugar
1/3 cupbutter or margarine
3/4 cupmaple syrup
1/2 cupmilk
21/4 cupsflour
3tspbaking powder
1/4 tspsalt
3egg whites, beaten until stiff

Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together. Cream butter and add sugar. Add maple syrup to butter mixture and stir well.

Beat in dry ingredients alternately with milk. Fold in beaten egg whites.

Bake in greased and floured 9" square pan for 40-50 minutes at 350°F or until done. Frost with Maple Syrup Frosting and (optional) garnish with shaved semi-sweet chocolate.

Traditionally, this cake should sink in the middle, so as to make room for extra frosting.

This cake defines the level of sweet tooth someone in our family possesses. If they can manage to eat an entire piece, frosted, they're about average for our family and have a higher sugar tolerance than most. If they can manage two pieces, frosted, they have a significant sweet tooth, even for us.

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Page last modified on April 07, 2016, at 05:59 PM