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Family French Toast

Not the boring restaurant kind.

n = the number of people you want to feed

n + 1large eggs
n + 1Tbmilk
n + 1tspsugar
n + 11/4 tspvanilla
n + 11/4 tspcinnamon
n + 11/16 tspcloves
n + 11/16 tspnutmeg
n + 11/16 tspallspice
n * 2slicescinnamon swirl bread, cut thick

Beat the eggs in a shallow, flat pan. Stir in the milk, then the sugar, then the spices and the vanilla (Note: amounts of spices are optional -- add spices until it smells good to you). It is more fun to add the vanilla first, since you get to see it swirl around, and then add the spices one at a time to experiment with surface tension.

For each slice of bread, drop it in the egg mixture, then press it down into the mixture so it gets completely wet. Then prick it with a fork to make sure the egg mixture has an opportunity to soak in. Just to be sure, turn it over and press and prick again. Then transfer it to a small plate. As you soak more slices, stack them on top. The first one you cook (the top one) won't be quite as goopy as the rest, but the bottom-most ones will be perfect.

Melt 2 Tb butter in a frying pan over medium-low heat. When it's nice and hot, add as many pieces of bread as the pan will comfortably hold. When they're golden brown on the bottom, turn them over and add another 1/2 Tb butter. When both sides are golden brown and the toast is puffed up, move them from the frying pan directly to the recipient's place. (You can keep them warm until everyone's ready to eat, but they won't be quite as good.)

Best piping hot with butter and either maple syrup or icing sugar.

Mary says Lemon Sauce I is great on this, as well as on waffles and pancakes and toast and many other things.

Note to family - I think we need a widget here, where you tell it either how many people you have or how many slices of bread you have, and it updates the quantities of the ingredients. What do you think?

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