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Brussels Sprouts with Almonds

Another one of Karl's inventions

1lbBrussels sprouts
1/2 onion
1/4 cupport wine
1/2 cupbutter
1/4 cupbrown sugar
1/2 cupalmonds (flaked or slivered)

Chop off the bases of the Brussels sprouts and soak them in salted cold water for about 5 minutes. Steam the sprouts on the stovetop in a medium pot (Steamed Vegetables).

While the sprouts are steaming, chop the onion and measure out the other ingredients. (Mix the brown sugar into the port? Maybe not.)

Melt 1Tb of the butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Cook the almonds and onions together in the butter for a few minutes, sautéing until the almonds are brown and smell good and the onions are translucent. Add butter as necessary.

Cut the cooked Brussels sprouts in half vertically (left and right, not top and bottom) and add to the pan. Add the rest of the butter and continue cooking over medium heat.

Add the brown sugar when the butter is melting.

2-3 minutes after adding the Brussels sprouts, stir in the port and let it boil off. It should be done in a couple more minutes. The sauce should be

Note that you can substitute margarine for butter, but you'll have to add a little cornstarch mixed with water at the very end to make the sauce thicken. If you use butter, the sauce will thicken all by itself.

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Page last modified on April 16, 2016, at 05:26 AM