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Welsh Rabbit

Make sure you don't use a dark beer!

1lbcheese, cut small (cheddar or cheshire)
1/2 tspsalt
1tspdry mustard
2tsppaprika (or few grains cayenne)
1cupbeer (or hard apple cider)
2eggs, beaten

Melt cheese with butter, salt, and spices in double boiler (or in a pan over low heat). Add egg and beer. (Fannie Farmer says you can use milk, but it's not the same. Something about the fizzy alcohol disintegrates the melted cheese and creates a yummy sauce.) If the egg and/or the beer are cold, the cheese mixture will instantly solidify and form a large solid blob at the bottom of the pan. Don't panic! If this happens, just keep stirring. You will eventually get a smooth (or at least only slightly curdled) cheese sauce. It is likely to seem a little too thin to pour over toast, but if you keep cooking it, it will become extremely thick (and it thickens further as it cools).

Pour over thick slices of toasted Italian or French bread. Optional: add slices of cooked meat or tomato before (or after) pouring sauce over toast. Serve and eat immediately!

If this is the main course, it will serve 3-4 enthusiasts. As a side dish, this will serve 6-8 (depending on the size of the slices).

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Page last modified on October 07, 2017, at 02:53 PM