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Waffle Irons

Electric waffle irons are fine, but if you don't have one (and you have an appropriate stove top type), you may want something a little more low tech.

Cast iron waffle irons make excellent waffles. We grew up with this kind:

As with any cast iron pan, it needs to be seasoned (heated with oil or butter until a patina develops and cleaned with hot water rather than soap) in order to maintain its non-stick properties. once seasoned, cast iron cooking pans will last indefinitely.

To use it, heat it over a burner on your stove top until butter melts and sizzles when added. Dollop between 1/4 and 1/3 cup of waffle batter onto the middle of the bottom and close it. (The bottom is the side that overlaps to the outside at the edges.

When the waffle batter starts to push the top of the iron open a little and make hissy noises, it is probably time to flip it.

Let it sit for another couple of minutes (or until the waffle is golden brown), then open it and use a fork to extract the waffle onto a plate.

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Page last modified on September 10, 2017, at 06:24 AM