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Stir Fry

Very basic, but yummy and easy

 plain white rice, cooked
 meat or shrimp, fresh or frozen, in bite-size pieces (no more than 1" across)
 assorted vegetables, fresh or frozen, in bite-size pieces
 pinch of garlic
 pinch of ginger
1/4 cupsherry
1/4 cupsoy sauce

Start the rice. About 5 minutes after the rice starts cooking, heat the oil in a frying pan. Add the meat and the ginger and garlic, and cook over high heat until done (frozen chunks will take about 6 minutes)

Add the vegetables and cook for a few minutes more or until done.

Turn the heat up to maximum (if it's not already there) and add the sherry, soy sauce, and sugar. Boil for 2 minutes.

Mix the cornstarch and water while the sugar and liquids are boiling. Add and stir quickly to make sure the cornstarch reaches all the liquid before it thickens. It should thicken almost immediately.

The stir fry should be done at roughly the same time as the rice. Spoon the cooked mixture over heaping bowlfuls of rice.

Also good as leftovers.

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Page last modified on April 16, 2016, at 05:37 AM