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Sticky Toffee Pudding

From Food and, with some modifications

Because American restaurants can't seem to make it sticky enough or toffee enough

6ozpitted dates
3/4 cupwater
7/8 cupflour
1tspbaking powder
1/4 tspbaking soda
 pinchof salt
4Tbspunsalted butter
3/4 cuplight brown sugar, well packed
1largelightly beaten egg
1/2 tspvanilla
1cupdark brown sugar
1cupheavy cream
 whipped cream or vanilla ice cream

Make the Cake Pre-heat oven to 350°F and lightly butter 6 1/2 cup ramekins (or equivalent).

Simmer dates and water in saucepan until the dates are soft and almost all the water has been absorbed (about 15 minutes). Pureé until smooth.

Beranbaum Method: Mix the dry ingredients together with a stand mixer. Add softened butter, egg, and vanilla and mix on low until combined. Add 1/3 of the date pureé, mix for about 20 seconds, add the second 1/3 pureé, mix again, and add the rest of the pureé and mix again. Spoon the batter into the ramekins. Bake for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick in the center comes out clean. In larger pans, this will take longer. For particularly sticky cakes, add one or two tablespoons of sauce while the cakes are still hot.

Make the Sauce Heat the brown sugar and the cream in a microwave until the sugar melts and it becomes a smooth sauce (this should not take long). Light brown sugar can be used for a less intense taste.

Serving Unmold a ramekin into a bowl. Pour copious amounts of warm sauce over it and serve with a large dollop of whipped cream or a medium scoop of ice cream.

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