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Sourdough Bread

From Emilie's Everyday Sourdough

1/4 cupsourdough starter (fed about 8 hours previously)
11/3 cupwarm water
11/2 tspsalt

Mix starter with water, add flour and salt. Mix and then knead briefly into a shaggy dough. Cover with a damp tea towel and let rest for half an hour. Work dough into a smooth ball by kneading for a minute or so.

Cover dough with a damp tea towel and let rise for 8-12 hours (over night or all day) until doubled in size and less dense-looking. You can oil the bowl and dough or flour them or not (all have worked for me) but you may need to re-dampen the tea towel several times to stop a crust forming since this is a very long rising.

Shape dough into a round by folding the edges in gently. Let the dough rest seam side down for 5-10 minutes. Take a banneton or smedium-sized mixing bowl lined with a towel and dust with flour. Transfer the dough to the banneton or bowl seam side up. (Unstick from work surface carefully.)

Cover the banneton or bowl with a towel and let rise for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Dough should look light but does not need to be fully doubled in size. While finishing the rise, preheat oven to 450F, and cut parchment paper to fit in a large dutch oven.

Invert dough into parchment-lined dutch oven (so the seam ends up on the bottom again) and score the top of the loaf.

Bake on the middle rack with the lid on the dutch oven for 20 minutes. Remove the lid and bake for 30 more minutes. Finally, remove the loaf from the dutch oven and bake directly on the middle rack for 10 minutes.

Cool on a wire rack and wait at least 1 hour before cutting.

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