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Rhubarb Upside-Down Cake

from Country Cooking

3Tbspbutter, melted
2/3 cupsugar
1bunch rhubarb (5-10 stalks)
11/2 tsporange zest
1/2 cupbutter, softened
3/4 cupsugar
11/2 cupsflour
11/2 tspbaking powder
1tspbaking soda
1tsporange zest
1/4 tspsalt
1cupplain yogurt

Cut the rhubarb into approximately 1- to 2-inch pieces, fitted in straight rows in the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan. Start with the middle three rows, and trim the edges to fit. If the edges of the rows don't line up, the cake will be very hard to cut. Remove the rhubarb from the pan, keeping the rows in order.

Grease the sides of the springform pan. Pour in the melted butter into the bottom of the pan and sprinkle with sugar. Fit the rows of rhubarb back into the pan, pressing firmly into the butter-sugar goo. Sprinkle the orange zest on top, and set the pan aside.

In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then vanilla. In a medium bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, baking soda, orange zest, and salt. Add dry ingredients to the creamed mixture in two parts, alternating with yogurt. Spread over rhubarb, mounding higher at the edges.

Wrap foil around the bottom of the pan and set it on a baking sheet. Bake at 350F for about 1 hour or until the cake springs back when touched.

Let cool on rack for 15 minutes, then invert cake on a serving platter. Cut in square edged pieces along rhubarb edges.

NB: This is a nice, moist breakfasty cake. You can mix up the fruit if you want, just try to stick with very firm, flat things to make a true upside down cake. If you're using softer fruits, cut them in half and arrange them, skin side up, all over the batter once it's in the pan, covering it. Sprinkle the top with lemon juice, remaining sugar, and cinnamon if you're using something like that.

One of L's friends took the time to make this in a square pan and organize the rhubarb pieces by color, and the result was a stunning ombre houndstooth effect. Art is delicious!

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