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Reine de Saba (Queen of Sheba)

From Mastering the Art of French Cooking

4ozsemi-sweet chocolate
2Tbsprum or coffee
1/2 cupsoftened butter
2/3 cupsugar
 pinch of salt
1/3 cuppulverized almonds
1/4 tspalmond extract
1/2 cupcake flour

Melt the chocolate and rum or coffee together over low heat. Cream the butter and 2/3 cup sugar together until they form a pale yellow, fluffy mixture, then beat in the egg yolks until well blended. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites and salt until soft peaks are formed, then sprinkle on the 1 Tbsp of sugar and beat until stiff peaks are formed.

Use a rubber spatula to blend the melted chocolate mixture into the butter/sugar mixture, then stir in the pulverized almonds and almond extract. Immediately stir in 1/4 of the egg whites. Fold in the next 1/4 of the egg whites, sifting on one third of the flour when it is partially mixed and continuing to fold. Alternate egg whites and flour rapidly until they are completely incorporated.

Turn the batter into a greased and floured 8 inch round pan, pushing the batter up to the rim with the spatula. Bake in preheated 350°F oven for 25 minutes. From the original recipe: "Cake is done when it has puffed and 21/2 to 3 inches around the circumference are set so that a needle plunged into that area comes out clean; the center should move slightly if the pan is shaken, and a needle comes out oily."

Allow the cake to cool for an hour or two if you want to ice it.

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