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Pumpkin Bisque

Adapted from Tim Creehan's recipe

1/2 cupbutter
1large onion, minced
1Tbspminced garlic
1/4 tspcayenne pepper
3/4 tspsalt
1/2 tspsugar
4cupschicken broth
1/2 cupsherry
4cupspumpkin purée*

Melt butter in large stock pot. Sauté onion until translucent. Add garlic, cayenne, salt, and sugar. Continue to sauté on medium high. Add flour to make a very thin white roux.

Add chicken soup and sherry gradually. Add cream and pumpkin. Simmer 20 minutes, stirring frequently, and season to taste.

Let stand about 20 minutes to cool slightly before serving. Best still warm but not too hot.

*Canned pumpkin is fine, but the soup is slightly better with home puréed roasted pumpkin. To roast the pumpkin, cut it into halves or quarters, remove the seeds, and lightly season with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Wrap the pieces in foil and bake for roughly 1 hour at 350°F until soft like a potato. Skin and purée, adding water if necessary. Makes 4-6 cups.

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