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Primordial Chicken

Modified from The Impoverished Students' Book of Drinkery, Cookery, and Housekeepery

somechicken pieces, skin on
 one herb or spice

Pre-heat oven to 350°.

Put your chicken pieces in a pan, skin up. Sprinkle your herb or spice (experiment to find the one you like - thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage, curry powder - basically whatever smells good to you) on the chicken pieces. Do not add salt until you're ready to eat it!

Put the pan of chicken in the oven (cover with foil if you like) and cook until done (temperature above 180° and juices run clear when pricked with fork; feels less squishy and more solid when poked with a finger). For the true primordial experience, brown it under the broiler so it gets crunchy on the outside

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