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Dad discovered this in Australia

3/4 cupegg whites
 pinch of salt
11/4 cupfine sugar
1tspwhite vinegar
 whipped cream
 fresh fruit

Pour egg whites into scalded basin, add salt and beat until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in sugar, then fold in remaining ingredients except for cream and fruit. Pile mixture onto grease-proof (parchment) paper lined tray, with a 20 cm circle drawn on it. Surround the mixture with a collar made from a strip of grease-proof paper.

Bake at 250°F (120°C) for 1-11/2 hours.

Slide Pavlova and paper onto cake cooler and remove collar.

When cold, invert onto serving plate and remove paper. Cover with whipped cream and fill with fresh fruit.

Note: this is a variation on Meringues, using the same technique but making one enormous cake-like meringue rather than lots of little cookies.

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