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Other Equipment

Pastry Cutter

Get the stainless steel pastry cutter with solid sides. The ones with a plastic or wooden handle and five wires bend when faced with unsoftened butter. The kind pictured here is extremely sturdy and can cut through even well-refrigerated fats.

Hand Blender

This is used to make milkshakes (put ice cream and milk in a tall cup and blend until smooth) and smoothies and to purée soups The kind that have detachable blades are easiest to clean.

Pie Ring

Pie recipes often say to cover the edges of the pie when it's partially done to prevent them getting overdone, but trying to do this with aluminum foil is an exercise in frustration. Similarly, it is theoretically possible to create a ring out of foil to sit under the pie and capture juices before they get your oven all sticky, but this is likewise annoying and makes it difficult to get the pie out of the over without spilling the juices everywhere. Luckily, people have created things to solve these problems!

Pie ring:

Pie drip catcher

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Page last modified on September 10, 2017, at 08:05 AM