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Mocha Muffins

Lisbeth's chocolate muffins or Chocolate Muffins of DOOOOOOOOOOOOM

A note on the name: “So you might be thinking, 'You oinker. The presence of chocolate in large amounts and the cake-like consistency clearly indicate that these are cupcakes rather than muffins.' To that I say if they're in a crinkly paper liner and you eat them in the morning, they're MUFFINS, dammit.”

1/4 cuphot water
2Tbinstant espresso powder
1/2 cupbuttermilk or sour milk
1/2 cupvegetable oil
2large eggs
13/4 cupsflour
1/2 cupsugar
1/2 cuppacked light brown sugar
3Tbcocoa (also good with 4 Tb)
1tspbaking powder
1tspbaking soda
11/2 cupssemi-sweet chocolate chips

Line 12 1/2 cup muffin cups with paper liners.

Stir hot water and espresso powder in medium bowl until powder dissolves. Add buttermilk, oil, eggs, and vanilla and whisk until well blended.

Sift flour, sugars, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together. Add egg mixture and stir until just combined. Mix in chocolate chips.

Divide batter equally among the muffin cups. Bake at 375°F until tester inserted into center of muffins comes out clean (about 12-15 minutes). Transfer muffins to rack and cool.

These muffins are fairly tender, so use paper liners. Toasted pecans are optional.

Someone says: I fill them with peanut butter sometimes. Good straight out of the pan, but they get a little dry the next day, so eat them all at once...

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