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Matrimonial Cake

Not a cake!

1/2 cupwheat germ
11/4 cupsrolled oats
11/4 cupsflour
1tspbaking soda
1/2 tspsalt
1cupbrown sugar
1/2 cupbrown sugar
 nearly 1 lb dates
3/4 cupwater

Filling: Boil dates and brown sugar in water until dates are softened.

Topping: Mix topping ingredients together to form a crumbly mixture.

Assembly: Use half the topping to make a layer in the bottom of a 9x12 pan, mounding it up against the sides of the pan. Pour the filling onto the bottom layer, being careful not to let it touch the sides of the pan. (If you let it touch the sides of the pan, it will burn! Don't let it touch the sides!) Use the rest of the topping to make a layer on top of the filling.

Bake at 375°F for about 30 minutes or until golden brown on top.

These are delicious but slightly crumbly date bars.

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Page last modified on April 02, 2016, at 06:30 PM