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Lazy Daisy Cake

Cherel's mother Edith's version

2tspbaking powder
1/2 tspsalt
4eggs, beaten
10tbspbrown sugar
3 or 4tbspmilk or cream
1 1/2 cupscoconut (long string)

Make the cake, starting by sifting the dry ingredients together. Melt the butter with the milk and set aside. Beat the eggs in a large bowl until nearly white, then gradually add the sugar and finally the add the vanilla. Fold in the dry ingredients. Add the warm milk and butter and mix quickly. Pour into greased 9x12 cake pan.

Alternate (Beranbaum) method: in a tabletop mixer, mix the dry ingredients on low speed. Add the egg mixture and beat on low until moistened. Continue beating on medium up to 90 seconds, then add the milk mixture in three batches, beating for 20 seconds and scraping the sides of the bowl after each batch. Batter will be thin. Pour into greased 9x12 cake pan.

Bake 30 minutes at 350°F.

Start the icing as soon as the cake is in the oven. Mix the icing ingredients in a saucepan. Stir over low heat until the butter is completely melted, then keep warm until the cake is done.

When the cake is done, spread the icing mixture over the hot cake and return it to the oven until bubbles appear over the full surface of the cake (maybe 5 minutes). Let cool then enjoy!

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