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Individual Quiches

Substantial Breakfast or Brunch

 puff pastry sheets
 grated cheese
 diced tomato
 diced ham
 baby spinach leaves
 or whatever sounds good

Pre-heat the oven to 400°F. Find a muffin pan (large (jumbo) muffin cups make quiches big enough for a meal; normal muffin cups make meals for people with smaller appetites or side dishes). Cut squares of puff pastry big enough so that when you put them in the muffin cups, they come all the way up the sides. If it's a non-stick pan, you don't have to do anything to it before you put the pastry in (no greasing, no flouring). Press the sides of the puff pastry onto the sides of the muffin cups to make room for the fillings.

Beat the eggs and milk together with whatever quantity of salt or other seasonings seem like they will complement your fillings. One small ramekin of diced filling or 1-2 cups of grated cheese is enough to populate 4-6 large quiches. Put the heavier fillings in first, then the cheese and/or leaves. You only want a tablespoon or less of each filling in each quiche. Add about 1/4 cup of egg mixture to each large quiche. Note that the filling should only come about 2/3 of the way up. It will expand as it cooks and scraping quiche filling off the floor of the oven is not fun. You can fold the corners over the top of the quiches if you like.

Bake for 20 minutes for small quiches and 30-40 minutes for large quiches or until they're obviously set and the puff pastry is golden brown. Makes 6-8 large individual quiches. Eat immediately, but be careful not to burn your tongue.

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Page last modified on March 29, 2018, at 01:34 PM