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Grilled Salmon Cooked in Foil

from Martha and Jeff

 fillet of salmon
 melted butter
 hickory chips
 salt and pepper, to taste

Coal preparation: Fill the 2 coal supports with coal, pushing them together in the center of the grill. Once they are going really well, push them apart to each side of the grill so they are under the top grill's hinged flaps. Place a pan (like a 9x12 cake pan) in the middle and fill about 1/2 inch deep with water.

Use high-quality charcoal. Cheaper and self-starting charcoal is less effective.

Food preparation: Place fillet of salmon in heavy-duty aluminum foil. Cover with melted butter, salt and pepper to taste. Close up the foil so the salmon is completely enclosed in a pocket.

Place the foil packet on the grill, close the lid, and cook for about 45 minutes. Both the lid vents and the grill bottom vents should be open.

While the salmon is cooking, soak the hickory chips in water so they are completely saturated.

After the salmon has cooked for 45 minutes, open the foil but leave the packet on the grill. Lift the grill flaps and place the chips on the coals. Close the lid and let smoke for about 15 minutes.

Serve immediately.

Good, but not as good, baked in foil in the oven at 425&#176F for about 12-15 minutes.

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