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Fruit Jelly

  fruit skins/seeds
1tspapple cider vinegar/citrus juice per cup of juice (optional)
1cupsugar per cup of juice

Roughly chop up the apples and put in a pot with the fruit bits. The amount of apples needed varies depending on the amount of pectin in the fruit -- strawberries have low pectin, gooseberries have high and probably don't need apples at all. Seeds and skins are more likely to have higher pectin, so using only seeds/skin will also increase the amount of pectn. Add enough water to just cover and bring to a boil. Simmer for 45 minutes to an hour, until the apples are soft and falling apart.

Strain through a jelly bag or sieve lined with muslin. Let drain over night; do not squeeze.

Based on your proportions, estimate how many jars will be needed. Put the jars in a hot water bath canner, and fill with enough water to just cover the jars. Set lids and rings aside. Turn on the stove to start heating water. If at any point it reaches a rolling boil before your jelly is ready, turn it down to simmer.

Measure the liquid and add the acid, if using. Bring to a boil. Add 1 cup of sugar for every cup of strained liquid measured, and stir until clear. Boil rapidly until the jelly sets (about 10 minutes). Jelly is set when a teaspoon dripped on a chilled plate wrinkles when pushed with a finger. Remove from heat and skim scum off the top with a slotted spoon.

Once the jelly is set, remove hot jars from the canner, and fill with hot jelly, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Wipe rims, place lids on jars, and tighten rings to finger-tight. Return jars to canner. Verify that there is approximately 1 inch of water on top of the tallest jar, adding more water if necessary. Bring canner to a rolling boil. Keep at a boil for 10 minutes, then turn off heat and remove lid of the canner. Let stand 5 minutes.

Set jars on a towel and leave 24 hours before checking the seals. Push on the center of the lid -- if you hear a popping noise, the seal is no good and that jar needs to refrigerated. Remove the rings, and test that the lids cannot be easily opened. If necessary wipe down and dry jars. Store without rings.

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