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Fridge Ambush

Mary's phrase

 leftover meat or sandwich meat
 assorted vegetables (frozen is fine)
 any sauce (white, cheese, brown, red, soy, teriyaki, eel, duck, peanut, ginger-orange)
 starch (noodles or rice are best)

Cook the noodles (or rice) and make (or reheat) the sauce. Heat meat and vegetables. Layer starch, meat/veg, and sauce in bowls and serve.

Alternate 1: put leftovers on plate, reheat and serve.

Alternate 2: Mix leftovers into red sauce. Heat and serve over noodles.

Alternate 3: Cook veggies and meat into a white sauce as though you were making a chicken pot pie filling and serve hot and spooned over starch or baking-powder biscuits. This alternate is called Glop.

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Page last modified on October 27, 2017, at 09:26 AM