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Crushed Tomatoes

1/4 busheltomatoes (ask at the farmer's market for seconds tomatoes to make this affordable)
3tsppowdered citric acid (buy in canning aisle of hardware store)


6Tbsplemon juice

Fill a hot water bath canner with enough water for six quart jars. Jars can be heated in water as with jam, but I have never had them crack, so it may not be necessary. Set lids and rings aside. Turn on the stove to start heating water. If at any point it reaches a rolling boil before your jars are ready, turn it down to simmer.

Put 1/2  tsp citric acid or 2Tbsp of lemon juice in the bottom of each jar.

Blanche, peel, and eighth tomatoes in to jars, cutting out mold, bruises, etc. To blanche, put tomatoes in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then move to cold water bath for 2-3 minutes. The skin should slide off easily after this.

Wipe rims, place lids on jars, and tighten rings to finger-tight. Place the jars in the canner, adding or removing water so that there is approximately 1 inch of water on top of the tallest jar. Bring canner to a rolling boil. Keep at a boil for 35 minutes, then turn off heat and remove lid of the canner. Let stand 5 minutes.

Set jars on a towel and leave 24 hours before checking the seals. Push on the center of the lid -- if you hear a popping noise, the seal is no good and that jar needs to refrigerated. Remove the rings, and test that the lids cannot be easily opened. Wipe down and dry jars. Store without rings.

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