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Coconut Creme Caramel

From all over the internet - Dairy free!

1/2 cupsugar
1cancoconut cream
6large egg yoks

Pre-heat the oven to 325°F.

Beat the egg yolks. Beat in vanilla and sugar. Add slightly warmed coconut cream (warmth makes it easier to work with - it should not get hot enough to separate). Mixture should be smooth and not foamy.

Pour into 8 ramekins or 6 glass custard cups placed in pyrex pans. Put the pans in the oven and pour hot water around the ramekins or custard cups to make a water bath. Bake for 35-40 minutes, but check periodically to make sure they're not done early. They're done when they're mostly set but a tiny bit jiggly in the middle - you don't particularly want them to brown all over, but they can get a little bit brown on top.

Let them cool to room temperature for a few hours (don't cover them - it's fine if they get a little dry on top).

Before serving, sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar on top of each one and brown them either with a blowtorch (both more fun and more precise) or under the broiler (more difficult).

This is a flexible recipe - you can replace two egg yolks with a whole egg and it will be slightly less rich, and you can use as much sugar as seems yummy

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