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Chocolate Sugar Cookies

Signe's been making these since elementary school. She still makes them regularly.

1/2 cupbutter or margarine
3/4 cupsugar
1egg or 2 egg yolks
1/2 tspvanilla
1Tbcream or milk
1/3 cupcocoa
11/4 cupsflour
1/4 tspsalt
1/4 tspbaking powder

Cream butter. Add sugar, then egg and vanilla. Stir in milk and then cocoa.

Sift remaining dry ingredients together (optional) and stir into the batter.

Drop by spoonfuls onto a greased or foil-covered cookie sheet roughly 1" apart.

(Fannie Farmer's original recipe called for "teaspoonfuls" and claims it makes 60 cookies. Signe did this precisely once - it did indeed make 60 miniscule cookies. Usually she uses a large spoon and drops them by tablespoonfuls or dessert spoonfuls for bigger and better cookies. She gets about 15 cookies to a batch and usually makes a double batch. In the northeast US, if you put them in a zip-loc bag overnight they stay nice and chewy even if they're slightly overdone.)

Bake at 325°F for 10-12 minutes. They're done when they're no longer shiny in the middle, but a little underdone is just fine.

They should look a little like cowpats and taste like they're made with butter even when you use the cheapest margarine. Incredibly addictive and delicious as long as you don't let them dry out.

Very good with peanut butter chips.

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Page last modified on April 02, 2016, at 07:07 PM