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Chocolate Oblivion Truffle Torte

From The Cake Bible

Yes, it is as chocolate as it sounds. A very rich, heavy cake; good if you have to feed a lot of people, as no one will want more than a narrow slice or two. Strangely enough, it has the consistency of a heavy fudge cake, even without flour.

Do not attempt this recipe without electric beaters; beating whole eggs by hand is well nigh impossible.

Use the best chocolate you can find/afford. It makes the cake infinitely superior. Catherine recommends Ghirardelli’s Bittersweet (60% cacao).

1lbbittersweet chocolate
1cupunsalted butter
6large eggs, at room temperature

Preheat the oven to 425°F.

In a double boiler, combine the chocolate and butter, stirring occasionally until smooth and melted. Beat the eggs until they form soft peaks when beaters are raised (about 5 to 8 minutes with an electric beater). Fold half of the eggs into the chocolate mixture until almost incorporated. Fold in the remaining eggs until just blended and no streaks remain.

Scrape into buttered and lined 8-inch by at least 2.5-inch springform pan. Place in a 10-inch cake or roasting pan and surround with 1 inch of very hot water. Bake 5 minutes, cover with a piece of buttered foil and bake 10 minutes. The cake should be about the consistency of pudding.

Let cool on a rack for about 45 minutes, then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until very firm, about 3 hours.

To Unmold: Have a serving plate and a flat plate of at least 8 inches diameter ready. Cover the flat plate with plastic warp. Wipe the sides of the pan with a hot, damp towel. Run a thin spatula or butter knife around the sides of the cake and release the sides of the springform pan. Place the plastic-wrapped plate on top of the cake and invert. Wipe the bottom of the pan with a hot damp towel. Remove the bottom of the pan and the wax or parchment paper. Place the serving plate on the top of the cake and invert.

Frost with Chocolate Cream Glaze? and serve with Raspberry Sauce. People will eat bigger slices with raspberry sauce, because it's even better. The glaze makes it slightly more chocolately but much prettier if you're making it for a fancy occasion.

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