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Chocolate Cream Pie

1recipe thick Chocolate Pudding
1baked Graham Cracker Crust?
 whipped cream

Use rounded Tb of cornstarch when making the pudding, so it's extra thick. If making the graham cracker crust, rather than buying it, make sure the crumbs you use are fairly big (the largest should be about 1/4" in diameter). Bake it to get the best flavor. Pour the hot pudding into the cooled crust. (If you want a skin on top of the pudding, leave it uncovered. If you don't like the skin that forms on top of the pudding, layer a sheet of saranwrap over it while it cools.) Refrigerate until serving time.

Immediately before serving add freshly whipped cream with a touch of vanilla and possibly a little sugar. The whipped cream can either cover the entire pie before you slice it for a traditional look or be dolloped on one piece at a time like they do in restaurants.

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