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Chicken with Walnuts

From Dad's Recipe Box

1cupwalnut halves
1Tbdark soy sauce
1Tbdry sherry
Group A
2boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2" cubes
1/2 egg white
1/2 tspsugar
 salt to taste
1/4 tspMSG
Group B
3slices peeled fresh ginger
4cloves flattened garlic
8hot dried red peppers (or Tobasco Sauce)

Mix ingredients from group A in a bowl and refrigerate for 1/2 hour.

Heat oil in wok. Add A and stir fry for 45 seconds over high heat. Remove A and reserve.

Add walnuts to hot oil. Cook until golden brown. Do not overcook! (Note: walnuts are already dark brown, so it can be difficult to tell when they are getting golden brown. Make sure at least some of them are in pieces where you can see the paler inner nutmeat and watch for that to turn golden. They go from perfect to overdone very quickly and will cook a little after you take them off the heat, so be careful!) Reserve walnuts and discard all but 1 Tb of the oil.

Cook ingredients from group B in the remaining oil for about 10 seconds. Discard B (but keep the oil). Add the soy sauce and the reserved group A ingredients, and cook for another 10 seconds. Add the sherry and cook for another 10 seconds. Put it in a serving dish and eat over rice!

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Page last modified on April 27, 2016, at 03:11 PM