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Bob's Macaroni and Cheese

The one Signe grew up with

2cupsuncooked macaroni
1/4 cupbutter or margarine
1/4 cupflour
1/2 tsppaprika
1/4 tsppowdered mustard
 few drops Tabasco sauce
1/8 tsponion powder
1/8 tspgarlic powder
 additional spices to taste (garlic salt, onion salt, smoked paprika, Worcestershire sauce)
2eggs, beaten
1-2lbsgrated cheese (preferably sharp cheddar)

Boil macaroni; set aside.

Make a white sauce from the butter, flour, and milk: melt the butter, add the flour and cook for a minute or two, then gradually add the milk and stir over low heat until thickened.

Add the spices and the beaten egg to the thickened white sauce. Add cheese to the sauce to taste (In our house, this is usually at least half of the available cheese. 1 lb total is the bare minimum.)

Grease a 2 qt. casserole dish. Starting with the sauce, layer the ingredients in the pan: sauce, cheese, noodles, etc., ending with sauce and cheese on top. If you have enough, try to completely cover the top layer of sauce with cheese. Bake at 350°F until bubbling and toasty brown on top (approx. 40 minutes).

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