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Basic Pastry

1 3/4cupsflour
1/3cupsoft shortening (lard, etc.)
1/3cupfrozen salted shortening (salted margarine, butter, etc.)
1/3cupchilled vodka

Rub the soft shortening into the flour. Cut in chilled shortening with a pastry blender (or two knives) until lumps are about the size of a pea.

Make a well in the center and pour in vodka. Mix with hands until dough just sticks together.

Makes enough pastry for a two-crust 9 inch pie. Freezes well.

"Ice water is usually used instead of vodka, but the taste is the same regardless. I think the vodka-based pastry is easier to work with. The mix of soft and solid shortening helps give the crust structural integrity. Too much lard, and the pastry crumbles."

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