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Auntie B's Fourth of July Cake

Witter's Chocolate Cake

2cupslight brown sugar (dark is also yummy)
1/2 cupsoftened butter or margarine
21/2 tspvanilla
2ozunsweetened chocolate
1/2 cupsour cream
1/2 tspsalt
1tspbaking powder
1tspbaking soda

Melt chocolate with water, let cool, and add sour cream.

Cream sugars and molasses well with butter. Add eggs one at a time and beat thoroughly. Add vanilla.

Sift dry ingredients together and add to butter mixture alternately with chocolate/sour cream mixture.

Bake in a greased and floured 9x9 pan for 30-40 minutes at 350°F. Serve with Fudge Frosting?.

Auntie B used to make this for the Fourth of July weekend; apparently she got the recipe form Mrs. Witter. It's served with enough fudge frosting to make all the kids extra hyper until the fireworks start, and very, very tired afterwards.

Signe: I've changed the recipe a little from the original, which called for "vanilla" (no quantity specified) and didn't say how big a pan to use. It's particularly yummy with lots of vanilla (given the amount of flour and butter, anywhere from 1 to 2 tsp is reasonable; 3 tsp is probably excessive). I ran out of light brown sugar and used dark brown instead, and the batter was outstanding.

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