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About Redfield Recipes

The Redfield Recipes site contains the cookbook that we have been working on for several years, compiling all the family recipes we want to be able to make whenever we feel like it and that we want to make sure the rest of the family has access to, especially the ones heading off to school. Each of the contributors to this site has a different perspective, which we hope makes for a more well-rounded and helpful resource. Please use the Contact page if you run into trouble using the site.

If you have involuntarily (or voluntarily) signed up to be a beta tester and made any of these recipes, and have feedback on them, send us an email and we'll set up an account so you can contribute on the Talk page.

Parts of the site that are subject to copyright, including images on the site that we have created, are provided with a CC-BY 4.0 license. Feel free to use them, but please credit Redfield Recipes when you do. Images found elsewhere should be linked to from this site and credited appropriately. If you find an image that we aren't allowed to use, please let us know so we can fix it!

Where our family recipes are drawn from existing cookbooks, we have done our best to credit the original source and make it easy for you to give the original creator money. Each recipe should have a link to the original cookbook or author's main page, so if you like it, you can buy their cookbook and try more of their work.

About Us

C likes to make preserves and bread and reverse engineer old, incomplete recipes.

L stress bakes: mostly muffins; sometimes layer cakes. She is afraid of cooking fish.

S likes to bake cookies and cakes, and can't make candy work at all.

K is good at main courses and fancy desserts. Some of the Entrées are his inventions.

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Page last modified on April 02, 2016, at 09:05 AM